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What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is a holistic and gentle method which uses muscle feedback to reveal and dissolve unconscious stress patterns and energetic imbalances.

Kinesiology literally means „study of movement“. In a broader context, kinesiology activates processes for personal development and breaks up fixed mind-sets and behavior patterns thus to allow for a new perspective, improvement and success.

Kinesiology combines recent research on brain development, traditional Eastern models of vital energy as well as concepts of stress management.

The key element used in kinesiology is muscle monitoring. It is a form of direct biofeedback revealing the motor response of the central nervous system to a sensory challenge. This method can disclose possible stressors, energetic barriers as well as unconscious imbalances on the physical, emotional and mental level.

In the 1930s and 1940s muscle testing was first applied by orthopedists. Osteopaths, chiropractors and physiotherapists developed further methods taking into account lymphatic flow and blood circulation, as well as muscle and joint movement. In 1964, Dr. George Goodheart, a chiropractor, integrated and further improved these methods. Muscle testing became a therapeutic tool. Studying Chinese acupuncture Goodheart understood how muscles and organs interact. His synthesis of the acupuncture-meridian-relation and the muscle testing method provides the backbone of Applied Kinesiology.

In the following years, new branches of kinesiology were established and made available to the public. Touch for Health supports general well-being by means of muscle balance, Educational Kinesiology provides help in case of learning disabilities. Further techniques followed, dealing with stress-release and deep-seated emotional problems.

Richard Utt combined western physiology with the Chinese theory of 5 elements and the Indian Chakra-Nadi-System. Dr. Charles Krebs established a Learning Enhancement Acupuncture Program (LEAP) to help with learning disorders and memory problems. The LEAP system aims at maintaining brain functions in stressful situations.

The most recent branch in this field, Neuro-Energetic-Kinesiology, is based on the research by Hugo Tobar. This technique releases stress in specific areas in the central and peripheral nervous system.

Kinesiologie, Burnout, Emotional, Stress, Schlafstörungen, Business, Manager, Schweiz, Zürich, Erschöpfung, Depression, Angstzustände, Mobbing, Jetlag, Schlaflosigkeit, Lebenskrise, Identitätskrise, Midlifekrise, Erschöpfung, Müdigkeit, Konzentrationsprobleme, Reizbarkeit, Anspannung, Zähneknirschen, Antriebsschwäche, Frustration, Konzentrationsschwierigkeiten, Anja, Sigmund
professionelle Kinesiologie Schweiz